With extensive research and manufacturing facilities at their factories in Chine, the Sailun and Rovelo brands are able to pioneer a new generation of budget tyres. Produced in a range of summer and winter editions for passenger, SUV and light commercial as well as heavy commercial and agricultural tyres the Sailun tyre company has experienced rapid growth in the past decade.

With roots in Canada, the Saliun company has developed through extensive testing a range of winter tyres for the budget tyre market earning Saliun and thus the Rovelo tyre brands the reputation for being far superior against many of their other Chinese competitors.

To view the range of tyres available from Rovelo or Saliun at  Alternatively you can visit Rovelo's parent company website here to find out more about the brand and the products they produce.

Brand Patterns


RWT768 tyres from Rovelo are the perfect option for winter weather and conditions. These tyres are designed to operate well in lower temperatures to ensure you get the best performance, grip and stability on every surface and journey. 
