Tyre Safety

For the majority of people, tyre safety ranks high on their priorities when buying tyres.

We display the EU tyre labeling information for each of our tyres on the site and this will allow you to comparing the wet stopping distances.

Your tyres are your only point of contact with the road and you should therefore be checking them on a regular basis to ensure they're not unsafe and jeopardising performance.

Tyre Tread

Tyre manufacturers and industry professionals are unanimous in their agreement that the performance of a tyre deteriorates significantly when the tread falls below 2mm. The effect of this deterioration is amplified in wet or icy conditions.

Whilst the legal limit in the U.K is 1.6mm across ¾ of the total tyre, many countries in Europe where weather has traditionally been more extreme have minimum tread depths of over 8mm. With the U.K weather beginning to mirror our continental partners many in the industry believe it's time the U.K followed suit and increased the required minimum tread.

Worn tyres alter a cars performance, increasing breaking distances, reducing the effects of steering and acceleration, putting you and your passengers at risk.

If your tyres don't meet the minimum tread depths required by U.K law you could face a fine of up to £2,500 and 3 penalty points per tyre. Your insurance will also be invalid if you are driving on illegal tyres, which could lead to a costly bill if you have an accident and it turns out your tyres weren't up to scratch.

Whilst it might seem boring now, checking your tyres could be the difference between stopping in time or not, and surely that's worth the 2 minute check. We recommend you check your tyres once a fortnight to ensure they have not deteriorated or become damaged.

Testing Tread Depth - The 20p tread test

An easy way for you to test the depth of your tyres is to put a 20p piece in the tread or grooves in your tyre.

If you're able to see the outer band of the coin then it may well be time to look at some new tyres. It's worth having the tyres checked over by a professional to make sure it is time for new tyres. An easy way for you to test the depth of your tyres is to put a 20p piece in the tread or grooves in your tyre.

What to Check?

An easy way for you to test the depth of your tyres is to put a 20p piece in the tread or grooves in your tyre. Tyresafe.org has 5 recommended checks for your tyres that we recommend you complete at least once a fortnight.

  • 1. Check overall condition of tyres, including inner and outer sidewalls.
  • 2. Check tyre tread depth. (20pence piece trick as above).
  • 3. Check all tyre pressures.
  • 4. Check signs of irregular wear.
  • 5. Check and examine the spare tyre.

Tyre Pressures

It's often difficult to see whether a tyre is under or over inflated with the eye unless the tyre is completely flat. You should therefore be looking to check your tyre pressures at least once a fortnight, ensuring the pressures are correct for the tyre size and season according to the manufacturers guidelines in the manual.

In order to get an accurate gauge of the tyres true pressure, always check the pressure of cold tyres, and wait at least an hour after driving on them before testing.

The wrong tyre pressure can also significantly increase the rate of wear on your tyres, shortening the lifespan by up to 60% and increasing the chances of tyre failure.

Under inflated tyres can also have a negative impact on your vehicles fuel economy with the government estimating that it could cost you up to 2.5% extra fuel a year.

Finally the importance of correct pressures shouldn't be overlooked, with incorrect pressures, both under and over inflated can seriously affect the vehicles handling, and can lead to the vehicle becoming unstable.

Wheel Alignment

When carrying out the above checks, you'll usually be able to see if there are signs of wheel alignment issues. An even all over wearing indicates that the tyres are either over or under inflated.

Significant wearing along one edge may be an indication of poor wheel alignment, and you will need to consult a mechanic or garage in order too check your tracking.

Wheel Balancing

An unbalanced wheel can cause serious damage to your vehicle so it's important to ensure your tyres are correctly balanced. All of our fitting stations will ensure your tyres are correctly balanced before letting you drive away.